Sunday, November 06, 2005

News, prize giveaways, and Piers Anthony joins Venus Press!

Great news and man have I been busy! Tha chat I was involved with at ebooklove, was a great success and congratulations to Pat, who won the photo and to John, who sent in an amazing photo of himself dressed as a werewolf and won a copy of my All Hallow's Eve book 'And There Were Beasts' Check is photo out here Thank you John for being such a good sport!

I've just had 'Another Deal' accepted, contract signed and all, by Venus Press with a release date of either April or May in the new year, so look out for that one. If you've read 'The Deal' you'll remember Matt and Sabrina well, but even if you haven't read the first book, book two will make perfect sense. I've taken my vampire couple to Whitby England this time around, to avenge the death of her sire. The action is hot, and so are my two vamps.

I've also sent in a surprise novella to Venus. I'd sat down to begin a story for an anthology called BDSM Bound, which is scheduled to come out sometime next year and had this wonderful idea. Well, my wonderful idea ran wild. 35,000+ words later, I yell whoa baby and An Acquired Taste was born. Much too long for the antho, I had my good friend and writing buddy D. Musgrave take a look at it, and he said, yup, it's a novella. He did an edit, thank you sweetie, and off it went to VP on Friday.

Oh and some amazing news for both Venus Press and its authors. World renouned sci-fi author Piers Anthony has joined our ranks. Yup, we got a big time celeb. He has a book titled 'Relationships' coming out sometime in the beginning of '06 and boy I can hardly wait. Wooo Whoo Venus Press!

Now I'm off to get busy on a tantilizing tale of tit treatment that'll hopefully amaze the readers of Darker Pleasure soon. Who knew that a camping trip on another world could be such a treat. Take care and I'll yack with you again soon
