Thursday, December 29, 2005

Almost Happy New Year!

I know, I've been bad and it's been ages since I posted in here, but jeeze, I've been sooo busy! Let's see, where to begin. I've been scrambling to get this BDSM story done and managed to get it sent in to the editor just before Christmas. It's called Pink Ribbon, and there's this cover you see, that would be perfect for the story. I have one month to get the story accepted to get the cover. And wow, what a sexy cover. Nude torso of a gorgeous guy, with a ribbon dangling down the side of the page. Perfect. Cross your fingers for me everyone.

Oh more news. I got an email from yesterday and Dance of Submission is in print and available.... YAY! Links to buy here: Sex-Kitten , Amazon and Barnes and Noble I'm jazzed big time about it and hope sales go crazy.

On a more serious note, I'd like you all to send a prayer to my publisher at Darker Pleasures and his family. Just before the holidays, his son fell from the fourth floor of an apartment building and has been in coma since then. He's showing signs of progress, but still has a long way to go to recover. Take a few moments and give your loved ones a hug, and send a prayer to my friends boy. Thank you all.

And now, I'm going to head off and see if I can't get something constructive done. Thank you all for stopping by and I wish everyone the very best of the season, and a wonderful 2006
