Newsletter #67- December 2010 Edition
I hope you've had a spectacular month. Mine has been busy, which is good, and productive, which is very good. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and I'll tell you all about it.
What you'll find in this issue:
What Jude's been up to:
This has been an incredibly busy time, and I've got some awesome news to share!
Where to find Jude:
Website, Twitter, yahoo and more…oh so very much more
Coming soon:
Sex in San Francisco Anthology, edited by the infamous M. Christian.
New Releases:
Trapped, both ebook and audio
Quinn's Blessing Book 4 in the Kindred Spirits Series
Kindred Spirits Vol.2 (PRINT)
Lena Grey, of Queer Magazine Online, had sone truly lovely things to say about Jenna Byrnes and my book Quinn's Blessing.
Susan, of Queer Magazine Online, gave Good Cop, Bad Cop a fantastic review
A Special Announcement!
Jenna Byrnes and I were thrilled to hear, our book Alex's Appeal placed 2nd in the annual Rainbow Awards: Best Gay Paranormal / Horror category
Also, the anthology, Echoes of the Future received an honorable mention in the Best Gay, Sci- Fi Futuristic category
Free Read:
A sexy sneak peak of Jett’s Gift. A six hundred year old vampire finds love, but will it, can it last when AIDS pokes its ugly head up?
Contest information:
Congratulations to Sheila! Find out what she won and why. And, get the goods on December’s contest.
Website updates:
You betcha. New stuff and here's the url:
To read a slightly condensed version online, go here:
To have your name added to my mailing list, fill out the form HERE
And there you have it, another month gone and one more newsletter put to bed. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me and the work I love so much. I just want to take a quick moment to wish you all the very best of the season. You're an amazing bunch and you make my life so much more amazing. Without you, I'd be scribbling these stories for myself, and believe me, it's nowhere near as rewarding. Thank you! Take care.