Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome Nichelle Gregory
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Monday, August 29, 2011
Available now: Sam, the Man
Sam, the Man
by Jude Mason
Publisher Total E-Bound
ISBN: 978-0-85715-639-6
Genre: m/m, contemporary, mild BDSM
When Gregg Jackson’s wife passes away
after a prolonged illness, can the care giving, flamboyantly gay,
Sam Nicholson, convince him that being a bad boy is a good thing?
To buy,
Sammy checked Jean’s vitals carefully and nodded, comfortable in the knowledge she was no worse, for the time being. He straightened the covers, tucking them in under her armpits and running his hand over the blanket. He sat on the chair at her bedside and laid his fingers over hers, paying attention to avoid moving the IV in the back of her hand.
“How are you tonight, Jean?” he asked softly.
She shifted her body and opened her eyes. Eyes that appeared too bright, too focussed.
“I’m okay. They gave me some drops a little while ago. Everything feels dull. Like I’m not really here.” She licked her lips.
“That’d be morphine, hon.” He reached for the glass on her bedside table and offered the straw to her. “Want some water?” He sniffed at the clear liquid and added, “Yup, water. You’d think they could add a shot of vodka or something.”
Jean smiled, a weak, wispy thing that quickly faded when Sammy helped her take the straw. Her sucking sounded loud. When she finished, the glass was empty. “Vodka might go nice about now, Sammy.” Her smile came back and remained a few moments. When it faded, she asked, “Where’s Greg? Is he all right?”
“He’ll be here soon. You know how long it takes for him to get here from his job.”
“Yes, too long. I’d like to see him move on. He’s such an amazing man. He doesn’t deserve to have to go through this.” A tear made its way down her cheek, ignored.
“No, he doesn’t. But I’m sure he wouldn’t have it any other way.” He leant down and pressed his lips to her forehead. “He’s going to be fine. I’ll do all I can to get him over the worst of what’s going to happen.” Sammy knew Jean had accepted her fate—after she’d got through blaming the doctors, her parents for the genes they‘d given her and the disbelief that this could actually be happening to her. There had to be some catastrophic mistake, didn’t there? She’d moved on to anger at the world, and the cruelty of whatever gods she believed in. Finally came acceptance. She really was going to die, like everyone else. But she would die a little sooner and have a better idea of the timeline.
“You’ll make sure he doesn’t dwell too long on what’s happened to me, won’t you, Sammy?”
“I’ll do my best, Jean.” Sammy rose and took the glass she’d emptied into the bathroom, where he refilled it. When he returned, he sat down and offered it to her again.
To buy, go HERE
by Jude Mason,
m/m romance,
the Man,
Total E-Bound
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I got this amazing new cover today
Jesse's Homecoming
coming soon to eXtasy Books
art by Martine Jardin
art by Martine Jardin
After a much needed weekend of riding in the hills, Jesse returns to the ranch to find her lover, Meg, in trouble—ex-husband trouble. Her lover raped, battered and bruised, it's up to Jesse to rescue her and to see that justice is done. It's also up to her to prove to Meg that their love can endure anything.
Can love prevail over the hardship both women have endured? Or will adversity win and tear the two lovers apart?
Can love prevail over the hardship both women have endured? Or will adversity win and tear the two lovers apart?
by Jude Mason,
Coming soon,
f/f romance,
Jesses Homecoming,
new cover art,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Welcome Celine Chatillon
I've got a lovely guest this week and I hope you'll all help me make her feel welcome. The lovely and multi talented Celine Chatillon is here with some inside info about her and a very sexy teaser from her ongoing series with Brandi Whyne. Welcome Celine!
1. Plotter or pantzer?
Definitely a “pantzer”. I’ve tried writing detailed outlines
of story ideas I had, but when I began to sit down and just write… Well, a lot
of that detail went out the window because the characters didn’t want to do
“what I told them to do” from the detailed outline, and so I had to scrap it.
The ornery bastards! J
2. What would you
like to share with new writers? Any suggestions or advice?
Three words: “Don’t give up.” There will be a lot of
nay-sayers in your life that simply don’t get it that you love to write.
They’re not writers, so there’s no way they’ll ever begin to understand where
you’re coming from. My advice is to treat these people kindly and with respect,
but don’t follow any suggestions they may or may not give you in regards to
writing. You need to find other writers and creative people to confide in and
ask questions of when you’re having writing problems. It’s okay leaving the
“non-writing” loved ones and acquaintances in your life out of the picture when
it comes to your creative process. In fact, they’d probably prefer it that way.
If you’d like to read a whole book (a short one, but it’s
funny) of new writer’s advice, may I suggest Defeating the Slushpile Monster
by Cindy A. Matthews It’s also available in e-formats from Uncial Press under the alternate title
The Curse of the Manuscript-Eating Slushpile Monster:
3. If you could be a character in any of your books who
would it be and why?
Easy one—I’d be Brandi Whyne from my Brandi Whyne and Her
Incredibly Erotic Adventures series. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be young,
horny, foxy redhead with the whole universe after your luscious curves? ;-)
4. Looking over the past year, what has been the best
moment for you in your writing career?
In this past year, simply finishing up the latest chapter in
the Brandi Whyne series and seeing it published has been the best
moment. I’ve been struggling for several years now, just to make ends meet and
to get through a nasty divorce and all the financial hardships that entails.
2011 finds me happily remarried, still having financial hardships (unemployed
from a “day job” currently), but I’m writing again. It makes me feel whole.
There’s no other way to describe the sensation.
5. What do you enjoy doing with your spare time, your
non-writing time?
Spare time? Spare time??? Is that like spare change? I’m
pretty short on both! J
Actually, I enjoy taking walks with my handsome hubby and
singing in a championship Sweet Adelines chorus. How’s that for good use of
spare time?
6. If you could change one thing that you have written,
what would it be?
I’d change my former last name on some of my previous
releases to my current last name. J
7. When you wake up in the morning, what celebrity do you
most resemble?
My handsome hubby (fellow author A.J. Matthews) says I look
like the actress Meryl Streep. It’s very nice of him to say so I think. (Poor
Meryl’s husband! She looks that bad in the morning?)
8. Are you in love? Have you ever been?
Yes! I think as you get older, you discover that it’s better
to marry your best friend than the hottest young guy you can pick up at a bar.
It’s not that you no longer don’t want to have lots and lots of sex (I do!),
it’s just that making love with a best friend is that much more meaningful.
Plus, you have the added bonus of actually enjoying doing similar activities
together—including writing.
9. What kind of comfort food do you like best?
Things with lots of calories and carbohydrates in them like
fresh baked bread with lots of melted butter slathered on top. Hmmm…. I’m
getting fat just thinking about it!
10. What do you
hope to achieve in life and when will you know that you have been a success?
I don’t think I’ll ever know that I’m a “success”, so I’m
trying to teach myself to stop worrying about it as well as stop worrying about
what others think about me. God loves me as I am and made me for a purpose that
I can only imagine.
A very nice definition of success can be found in this poem
by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I have on a poster:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect
Of intelligent people
And the affection of
To earn the
Of honest critics
And endure the
Of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in
To leave the world a
bit better,
Whether by a healthy
A garden patch
Or a redeemed social
To know even one life
Has breathed easier
Because you have
This is to have
by Celine Chatillon
eXtasy Books:
What do you get when Star Wars meets Sherwood Forest? Mix in a little Pirates of the
Caribbean, Fanny Hill, Futurama, and The Hitchhikers Guide
to the Galaxy and you get Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic
Adventures (with Robin Manhood and His Totally Sexed-Out Space Pirates).
With a series title that long, you know it’s going to be filled with loads of
laughs, tons of sci-fi fun and plenty of hot sex!
In Chapter Six, Kidnapped by Time Bandits, Brandi is
sucked into an alternate dimension and forced to do a little sucking on some
not-so-nice space pirates—including Robin Limpdick, the evil twin of her own
lover Robin Manhood. After a good licking, she meets Captain Jacques Swallows
and his right hand man Francois who put her to the test. Can Brandi convince
the Time Bandits that the crew of the Pulsating Purple Parsnip can do
more than just throw a great orgy?
Excerpt set-up:
Brandi must pass the Time Bandit's test in
order to ensure her crew's continued existence...
Jacques Swallows raised his hands. “The test will now
Francois quickly and quietly disrobed his master. I was not
disappointed in what I saw. The time bandit had a beautiful body, buff and
muscular, a hairless chest and a cock length that rivaled Little John’s. My
hand fell to my clit, and I began to stroke myself. It throbbed as my vaginal
muscles clenched at the thought of that bad boy sliding into my tight passage.
I looked to my lover for permission to bed the stranger for the good of our
crew. He nodded slightly and smiled.
“Now it your turn,” Swallows said, indicating that both
Limpdick and I were to undress. I tore off my silky flowing shirt and kicked
off my boots even before my opponent had a chance to remove his shirt.
“So, it’s a three-way?” Limpdick said, laughing. “I can tell
you she gives a good blow job, so if you let me give her ass a good pumping you
can— ”
The time bandit cut him off mid-sentence. “Brandi gives
excellent fellatio, you say? Good. How about you, Limpdick?”
“How about me what?”
“Can you suck my dick as well as Brandi can?”
My challenger paled. “Say what?”
* * *
Not up on the series? Never fear! Catch up with Brandi's new
book trailer:
Also available in the Brandi Whyne series:
Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures:
Chapter 1—Captured by Space Pirates!
Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures:
Chapter 2—Lashed at the Mast!
Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures:
Chapter 3—Bound for Adventure!
Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures:
Chapter 4—Little John’s Very Big Problem:
Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures:
Chapter 5—The Search for Brandi’s Crack:
And now, a little more about the sexy Celine:
Celine Chatillon’s
Celine Chatillon is the alter ego of multi-published
contemporary romance novelist, Cynthianna. (
She's also the writer of the 2009 EPIC
nominated writer's guide The Curse of the Manuscript-Eating Slushpile
Monster (Uncial Press), which is now available in print from Amazon under
the title Defeating the Slushpile Monster by Cindy A. Matthews ( ).
Celine finds writing erotic fiction a very pleasant
departure from working as a freelance manuscript evaluator and copyeditor. Her
erotic-romance tales with eXtasy Books include the humorous science-fiction
series Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures, Gifts
Well-Timed, and The Loves of Her Life. Her books with Liquid Silver
Books include Help I'm Falling for the Vampire Next Door and Hanging
with a Time Surfer among others. Her collection of SF erotic short stories,
Heavenly Bodies, is available from Mojocastle Press.
Boldly going where no genre has gone before... Celine
Celine's Dreams blog:
Brandi’s Blog:
Amazon Author (Kindle) page:
by Jude Mason,
Celine Chatallon,
Wednesdays guest
Friday, August 19, 2011
It's Friday Foreplay!
Come join the eXtasy Books authors and staff today for Friday Foreplay! You can win an eBook just for participating.
The first way to win is to come out of lurkdom and tell us you're there! theexfactor/
Tell us the name or nickname you wish to be called. Tell us the most recent eXtasy book you've read and enjoyed, or, run to eXtasy's brand new website and tell us one that's on your wishlist.
Make sure you register for a bookshelf because that's how your prize will be delivered if you're chosen as one of our lucky winners. (This takes just a minute or two) That way you can download it in any format you wish. You can also subscribe to the newsletter in the same spot! Just click on "yes" for subscribe.
Continue to jump in on the conversations where you can today... all participation in group discussion counts as an entry to WIN!
HAVE FUN! And we look forward to getting to know you!
The first way to win is to come out of lurkdom and tell us you're there!
Tell us the name or nickname you wish to be called. Tell us the most recent eXtasy book you've read and enjoyed, or, run to eXtasy's brand new website and tell us one that's on your wishlist.
Make sure you register for a bookshelf because that's how your prize will be delivered if you're chosen as one of our lucky winners. (This takes just a minute or two) That way you can download it in any format you wish. You can also subscribe to the newsletter in the same spot! Just click on "yes" for subscribe.
Continue to jump in on the conversations where you can today... all participation in group discussion counts as an entry to WIN!
HAVE FUN! And we look forward to getting to know you!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Welcome Connie Northrop
I'm tickled pink this week to have the opportunity to welcome friend and computer savvy reader Connie Northrop. I've known Connie for several years and consider her one of my online buds who rescues me and offers wonderful advice at the most interesting of times.
1. When did you begin
reading romance and / or erotica?
I started reading romance in grade school. Gothic romances caught me early and hard.
I started reading romance in grade school. Gothic romances caught me early and hard.
2. What is your
favorite genre? (historical, western, science fiction, m/m, f/f…or others)
Paranormal. I’ve always loved the paranormal stories. They were hard to find for years, now they’re everywhere and I love it.
Paranormal. I’ve always loved the paranormal stories. They were hard to find for years, now they’re everywhere and I love it.
3. What clothing
makes you feel sexy?
Nothing these days makes me feel sexy. When I weigh less I think being comfortable in my body has more to do with feeling sexy than the clothes I wear.
Nothing these days makes me feel sexy. When I weigh less I think being comfortable in my body has more to do with feeling sexy than the clothes I wear.
4. Has a book or
story ever given you ideas for a romantic evening with your lover?
given me ideas for things I would like to try when I finally find a lover.
5. What’s your
favorite comfort food?
Homemade bean burros or homemade spaghetti.
Homemade bean burros or homemade spaghetti.
6. Are you a dreamer?
Why yes or no?
Yes, I’m a dreamer. I always have been. There have been times that being a dreamer has helped me keep my sanity. LOL
Yes, I’m a dreamer. I always have been. There have been times that being a dreamer has helped me keep my sanity. LOL
7. If you could choose one vice, what would
it be?
I have to choose? Ack! Lust while drinking? Giving up lust would be very sad.
I have to choose? Ack! Lust while drinking? Giving up lust would be very sad.
8. Are you in love? Have you ever been?
I have been in love and I hope to be again. I have discovered that I would rather be alone than settle for something less than love, so I’ll wait until I find the right guy.
I have been in love and I hope to be again. I have discovered that I would rather be alone than settle for something less than love, so I’ll wait until I find the right guy.
9. One pillow or two?
Two. Between asthma and allergies two pillows are often a must.
Two. Between asthma and allergies two pillows are often a must.
10. Winter or Summer and why?
Summer, because it’s more lively than winter. People seem
to just like to get out and do more during the summer.
I also added a line at the end of my interview questions which very few people have taken advantage of. Connie did, and I'm extremely glad.
If you’d
like to add anything, this is the place for it. I’d love to hear what you have
to say and I’m sure others would too.
I’ve really enjoyed being on these author groups. I’ve
not only found a bunch of authors whose work I really enjoy, I’ve made some
really good friends.
Thanks for the chance to do this interview! :0)
Thank you Connie for taking the time out of your busy day to visit us here. Hugs
Where you can find Connie:
Monday, August 15, 2011
Jude's August 2011 Newsletter
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What Jude's been up to:
Yes! Summer finally arrived. Whoo hooo!This might look a tad crazy to those of you who are in the midst of a heat wave, but for us westerners, we've been craving a little heat and until the last couple of weeks, been denied. The day here or there, simply teased us. So, instead of sitting here in a long sleeved shirt and sweater, I'm now in a little t-shirt...uh, I don't do shorts though, sorry. Besides the weather, life is going along, ups and downs like a drunken soldier weaving my life into some kind of crazy dance. Not complaining. Just observing. Whenever I feel it couldn't get much nuttier, it does. LOL Our shed is now up and mostly filled with tools, which is what I've been hoping for. Hubby is happy, he's got some place to putter when I drive him out. I'm happy, the next time he's in the dog house, I'll have somewhere to send him. LOL As you can see, I've got a few things happening bookwise. A good number of my previously released books are out, or will be out soon with eXtasy Books. A new one, Here Puss, is doing extremely well there and the long awaited Bondage by the Bay, Tales of BDSM in San Francisco has finally been released. Jazz is in edits, which is awesome. He's got a release date, January of 2012, so make sure you save a few dollars so you can buy it. Or, pre-order it for either yourself or someone who you know will like it when it's available later this year. I'm now working on an odd little thing involving a dog, a vampire and Charlie. Not saying another word or it might jinx me. My animal family are all doing super well. I've got fawns coming to visit and tiny raccoon kits who are hilarious with grapes. The love em, but can't figure out how to keep all that good juice from dripping out of their mouths. Hehehe! If you're interested in chatting, please look for me at my own newsgroup or one of the following: Litergasm (Total E-Bound's chat group) eX_Factor (eXtasy's chat group)
Coming soon:
Sam, the Man
ISBN: 978-0-85715-639-6 Genre: Gay MM/ Contemporary/ BDSM
Coming soon to Total E-Bound
Gregg Jackson’s wife passes away after a prolonged illness, can the
care giving, flamboyantly gay, Sam Nicholson, convince him that being a
bad boy is a good thing?![]() An Acquired Taste Publisher: eXtasy Books Genre: Contemporary, BDSM, femdom, romance
and in need of a contractor to work on her cabin, Cynthia Lyon hires
Caleb Jenkins. The contract is like none he’d ever seen before. If he
fails to meet a deadline, the consequences will be a little...unusual.
New releases:
Bondage by the Bay
Tales of BDSM in San Francisco
edited by M. Christian
Publisher: Renaissance - Sizzler Edition
In this one-of-a-kind anthology by master erotic writer and editor M.Christian some of the top erotica writers working today share their experiences and fantasies of BDSM in SF. From loving relationships between masters and slaves to pain sluts in the city's clandestine dungeons, this book has something for everyone! Here Puss ISBN: 978-1-55487-927-4
Categories: GLBT, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romance
On the top ten list at eXtasy!
Burns and Samuel Dresser are a young gay couple who love their cabin by
the lake. On this occasion, Jack arrives at their secluded retreat a
day before Samuel and prepares for his lover's arrival. Excitement turns
to terror when a big cat appears as the couple make love in the great
outdoors. Will the big cat cause more trouble than the lover's can
handle? Or will a twist of fate and nature add some spice to the lover's
BUY HERE ![]()
I'd Die For You
Book #4 in the Slippery When Wet Series ISBN: 978-1-927111-01-7 Publisher: BWLPP Spice
Thompson is looking for revenge. He meets Abel, a lusty blond who tags
along for the ride. Can they find the truth and clear Snake's name, or
will drugs and money send them to the grave?
August 2011
Edition #75 Where's Jude: My Blog: http://jude-mason.blogspot. Twitter: GLBT Bookshelf: The eXfactor on Yahoo Infinite Possibilities: Books We Love Spice: The Romance Studio: The Romance Studio Blue Blog: The Rainbow Studio Blog: http://therainbowstudio. Total E-Bound blog: http://totalebound.blogspot. (14th of every month) *frequently felt blog: http://frequentlyfelt. ![]()
Blog Guests
June 22 - Gabby Lily Raines
June 29 - Jaime Samms July 6 - Lisabet Sarai July 13 - Marie Sexton July 20 - Anne Kane July 27 - Mogger Aug. 3 - Annie Alvarez Aug.10 - Nikki McCoy Aug.17 - Connie Northrop Aug.24 - Celine Chatillion Aug.31 - Nichelle Gregory
Website Updates
yeah! I've done some updating, cleaning up and also added to my
backlist. Also, check the cover art page, I've added a couple of new
ones that are simply awesome.
My Publishers
Total E-Bound eXtasy Books BWLPP Spice Untreed Read Noble Romance Logical Lust
Contest information:
July's contest question was:What
did my husband I do last weekend? (Get your minds out of the
gutter...LOL) I got oodles of responses to this one, thank you all, so
my hat was filled to overflowing with names. Yay!The winner for July's contest is...Drum roll please:
Tammy G
Congratulations Tammy! Would you please email me at and let me know which of my backlist of ebooks you'd like. If you're not sure what's on my backlist, here's where to find |
For the full version of the newsletter,
please join my mailing list, simply fill in the form HERE.Or, join my newsletter group on Yahoo, HERE
there you have it, another month gone and one more newsletter put to
bed. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me and the work I love
so much. Take care and be well, and I’ll see you again next month.
Hugs Jude Jude's e-mail address is: ** Copyright (C) *Jude Mason* All rights reserved. |
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